School & College Management System uses a client-server architecture; the back-end service is based around Microsoft SQL Server with some business logic handled by a custom .NET Framework module. The client application is also built with .NET and handles almost all of the data manipulation and reporting workload.
Some legacy components are Windows API applications and store data in flat binary files.
School & College Management System is a modular application, the core offering covering storing basic school and college data with modules available to handle (among other things) legal registration, the recording of achievements and sanctions and the management and documentation of public examinations. Capita also offers modules aimed at specific sectors, such as a fee billing system for private schools.
Third-party developers can build products that integrate with the School & College Management System through Ca-pita's "Partner Program". Schools & College Management System that already own an SCMS license can get free or reduced-price access to the SCMS API, but private companies must pay a non-trivial yearly fee to gain and then retain the ability to interface with SCMS.